Buying or chartering a Superyacht is worth it if you:
- Love personal freedom
- Need a place to getaway to that can go where you like (and, in times of travel restrictions, where you can get to)
- Make vacation time prime time for you, your family and friends
- Enjoy the sea and her allures
And much more…
The price tags on yachts are not for everyone but when stacked up against the high levels of privacy, diversity and service there is balance.
Securing the best deal is of course not always monetary, timing and the “it” factor are also precious commodities. Obtaining the optimum transaction may mean having the yacht for a specific date or the yacht that just has “all the right moves” for you. The numbers on paper may well be trying to steer you in the direction of a different yacht but the heart can often make the final decision and ultimately ensure you are making the best deal in terms of the enjoyment you will have from your yacht.